5 Ways to track a cell phone location by number

5 Ways to track a cell phone location by number
5 Ways to track a cell phone location by number

How to track a cell phone location by number using best 5 ways

Nowadays children and teenagers and of course youngsters are using the Smartphone. It has become a duty of a caring parent to check out the activities conducted on the mobile device including location. If you need to know where your children are, locating them will be a lot easier with the help of GPS location facility on the cell phone. Often, it becomes essential for you to track the location of the mobile, particularly in a worse case like of lost or stolen device. So, it can be said that cell phone tracking is essential and in this post, you will find easy ways to track cell phone location through number only by using various methods.

How to track a cell phone location by number using best 5 ways
How to track a cell phone location by number using best 5 ways

Why there is a need for tracking the location of the cell phone

Finding the lost phone is not only the reason for which you need to know about the ways to track the cell phone location. There can be a lot of reason for which the people must know the device location. In today’s highly advanced world wherein the people are making use of technology in a positive way, some are there that uses it in a negative way. They use it for deceiving the other people and hide all the details. Children lie to their parents, partner cheats wife/husband and many other reasons are there why there is a need for tracking cell phone location and location.

What if the device is lost

Losing the device is one of the biggest nightmares that one can have. Losing the device means losing access on own data. Today the user has linked the number with ID cards, bank accounts, and office accounts etc, if the device is lost, security is lost. In order to save the device, you need to take some steps for securing the data. Once the data is safer, you will be feeling safer but it must be well known that data backup does not ensure personal data and details safety. Thus, one must efficiently take some effective steps for avoiding such issues. One such way is by knowing how to track the cell phone location by number.

How can you track the cell phone through number

A few years back, locating and tracking of the device was not so easier for one due to some security concern and tracking was possible only for security agencies. But now thousands of applications are available through which hacking or tracking cell phone location has become easier in an easy way. Here we are covering 5 ways on cell phone location tracking.

#1 Track easily cell phone location by number by using TheTruthSpy App

#1 Track easily cell phone location by number by using TheTruthSpy App
#1 Track easily cell phone location by number by using TheTruthSpy App

It is true that it is not at all easier for one to track the cell phone number through the location, but a user can get awesome features with TheTruthSpy. This is a special mobile phone monitoring tool that helps one in tracking down the exact location of the victim device and that is remotely. A user is only supposed to create a user account with this wizard and then track the GPS location, check out all the cellular activities and also see social media apps activities using this tool. The app is compatible with the operating system like Android and iOS. As mostly the application needs jailbreak or rooting the device but this is not with this application.

Why use this application

How to use the app

Create TheTruthSpy account

To begin spying using TheTruthSpy app, you need to create a user account by getting into the homepage using URL address (https://thetruthspy.com). At this page, you need to provide the valid details like email address and password.

Choose system

At the wizard setup, a user has to fill the details including name and age of victim along with the operating system (iOS and Android).

Completing the Setup

On a selected operating system, a user needs to install this wizard. But make sure that you have enabled the Unknown sources before the app is launched. Sign in with app account and permit the permission. Now choose the option Start Monitoring and after it, the app icon will get deleted from the targeted person cell phone and it thus confirms that app is working in a better way.

Begin cell phone location tracking

After completing login with this app user account, get into the dashboard and select the option Location available at the screen left side. It will be displaying the device current location.

#2 Track locations through the number with the help of SS7 Vulnerability

It is difficult for tracking cell phone location through number but the hacker has got the easiest way of doing it through SS7 Vulnerability.  The process works on a loophole that is forged by the hacker globally. It is crime and illegal to fetch the essential details from telecommunication services. Few steps we are listed on using this technique.

  • In this hacker is using fake gsmSCF for fetching device location through the number.
  • Using it is a lot easier for cell phone locating through the number.

#3 tracks cell phone through the number with the help of GPS Phone tracker

There are applications that help one in tracking cell phone location through GPS phone tracker. It is using the GPS mechanism for getting the target device location. It displays hacker about the target device GPS coordinates within seconds. Just follow a few steps that are below mentioned-

  • Download and install the GPS phone tracker tool. To hack iPhone you can search for GPS tracking app for iPhone.
  • Launch the wizard after it gets installed and fills the details of the device of whose location is to be traced.
  • The application functions offline and will be displaying GPS coordinated of the victim phone.

#4 tracking cell phone location through Whitepages

It is a special online service that allows a user in tracking the targeted person important details. The app is really much helpful when you get failed in gathering the target device GPS location. It provides a user with an instant check of background on an individual with full details. It offers a user with checking of a reverse phone number, addresses searching and then verifying the identity.  Know about the steps to be used for tracking cell phone location through numbers using whitepages.

  • Download and install the application in own device.
  • Sign in with this tool and find the numbers and address for identity confirming.

#5 tracking cell phone location through the number using the Phone Locator

Through the access of this app, a user can easily enjoy accessing of checking the target number location. Follow the below given easy to follow steps for performing the activity.

  • Search for the site through the internet browser.
  • Hit on the option start tracking now and fill the valid phone number into the field box.
  • Don’t add a negative or positive sign with the cell number.
  • Hit on the search button and it will be displaying message history, location log and all other essential details.


Now you have learned the best ways for hacking the cell phone location through the number, choose the wizard and spy on cell phone.


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