How to Intercept Text Messages

Do you want to intercept text messages? If yes, we can help you. There are many ways by which you can read someone’s text messages. The most crucial step in a text message spy is to access the victim’s phone. But when you cannot use the phone, it becomes challenging to intercept text messages. There is only one option by which you can do this. It would be best if you used spying software to interpret text messages. If you want to learn how to do it, we can help you. In this post, we will show you how to understand text messages without the victim’s phone.

Interpreting Text Messages

Interpreting Text Messages

You can understand text messages for many reasons. By doing this, you can easily read all the text messages on the victim’s phone. You can use spying software to do it. By using spying software, you can do all these things.

  • Sent/Received Messages: You can read all the sent and received messages by using spying software.
  • Deleted Messages: You can also read all the deleted messages. This feature is only available when you interpret text messages using spying software.
  • Contact Details: You can also check all the contact details like the name of the sender, contact number, contact photo, email id, and all the other information.
  • Message Time: You can check the time of each sent and received text message. The messages appear with a timestamp.
  • Media: You can view all the media shared using text messages. You can check the images and videos as well.

Read more: 7 Best Free SMS Tracker (Without Access to Their Phone)

Spying Application to Interpret Text Messages

Spying Application to Interpret Text Messages

If you want to interpret text messages, you can easily do it by using TheTruthSpy spying software. But, you have to install the TheTruthSpy spying app inside the victim’s phone to get the details. If you want to interpret an android phone’s text messages, you have to access the victim’s phone to install the TheTruthSpy software in it manually. If you wish to understand iPhone’s text messages, you can do it without obtaining the phone. You don’t need to touch the phone to do it. You only need to know the victim’s iCloud details to set up the app. In this post, we will show you how to interpret text messages without a phone.

For Interpreting Android Text Messages

If you want to interpret text messages on an android phone, you have to access the phone one time to install the spying software in it. Like the iPhone, there is no remote installation method for android devices. You have only to access the phone once. The installation process only takes 5 to 10 minutes. Once it is done, you don’t have to touch the phone ever again. If you want to learn how to do it, follow these steps.

Step 1: Setup

First, you have to set up the software on the phone. To do this, you need to access the phone. After you unlock it, go to settings and allow downloads from unknown sources. Then disable play protect. After that, download and install the software. Download TheTruthSpy for Android at Then sign in using your account credentials. Once it is done, hide the app and delete the evidence.

Step 2: Sign up

Now, you need to open the app and create a spying account by clicking on the signup option. Fill in all the details correctly.

Step 3: Login and choose Text Message

Now, log in to your spying account and choose the text message option from the control panel to interpret text messages.

For Interpreting iPhone Text Messages

To understand text messages on the iPhone, you don’t have to touch the phone or access the phone. You can do it remotely by using the cloud panel option. If you want to learn how to do it, follow the steps given below.

Step 1: Create an Account

First, you need to create an account to interpret text messages. To do this, you have to visit the official website of the software at Once you reach the site, click on the signup option. You need to fill in all your details correctly. After that, click on Continue to create your account.

Step 2: Enter Device Details

Here, you have to enter a nickname for the device you are spying on. You have to choose the type of device and enter the model number along with all the other details.

Step 3: Select a Subscription Plan

If you are using paid software, you need to choose a subscription plan and make the payment. If it is a free app, skip this step. You can even select a free trial option.

Step 4: Setup

Now, you need to set up the software. For the iPhone, you don’t need the phone with you. Now simply enter the iCloud credentials in the cloud panel. Before entering the details, you need to create a backup of the data on iCloud.

Step 5: Log in

Now, you can simply log in through your instrument into the spying account. Enter your spying account credentials to log in successfully.

Step 6: Choose Text Message

Once you successfully log in, move toward the control panel and choose the Text Message option. After that, you will be able to interpret all the text messages without having the phone.


This is how you can easily interpret text messages without the phone. You can do it easily if the victim owns an iPhone. When they have an android phone, you have to set up the software manually.


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