The best cell phone monitoring application for children

The best cell phone monitoring application for children
The best cell phone monitoring application for children

The invention of smartphone has changed our world completely. It has given us a very powerful device that we can keep in our pocket and take anywhere with us. You can obviously make calls and send texts with it. But you can also access internet, take pictures, find directions and do many other things. It can be regarded as one of the greatest gifts science has given us. However, sometimes it seems to be like a well wrapped curse. Many people, especially kids, have become addicted to smartphones. They just can’t leave it alone. Whether it is the dining table or library, kids are busy with texting, tweeting and all sorts of other things. It certainly affects their studies, but also affects their health as they often get sleep deprived due to this. Keeping them away from their phone is not a good idea as it will affect their growth in this era of technology. The best option you have is to monitor the activities of your kids on their phones. Using some incredible apps, you can very easily get details of their call logs, messages, browser history, GPS location and a lot more. If you think monitoring is not enough, some apps even allow you to restrict their usage and block the bad content. You can do all this just by selecting the right cell phone monitoring app. There are several such apps on the Play Store. Selecting the best one could be a little tricky. Some of the-top rated apps are listed below along with brief description that will help you take the right decision.

The apps are given according to their rank, with the best one at the top and so on. For this ranking, things like installation, price and filtering are considered. The app that is easy to install and manage that has the right price is kept at the top.

TheTruthSpy: At the top of our list is TheTruthSpy. It is one of the most elaborate apps with a lot of extra features. You get a full list of all the calls, messages, tweets, browsing and everything else happening on your child’s phone. You can set restrictions to their data usage, talk time and message sending. The most amazing part is that you can create a geo-location fence. If your kid gets out of this virtual fence, you will get an instant alert. You get all these features at just $16.99 per month.


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